Vapor blasting

Vapor blasting Urbans Garage OÜ now offers a Vapor blasting service. Also known as wet blasting, this surface cleaning application is becoming a number one choice for many who require a highest quality of surface finishes. The advatage of Vapor blasting compared to dry blasting is that the surface is cleaned by flowing water and abrasive running accross the surface instead of the sheer force and impact of the conventional dry blasting techniques. Furthermore the water protects the surface from distortion and erosion which are normally found in dry blasting environments. This means the finished surface is of the highest quality and without defects that can occur in dry blasting. Typically the Vapor blasting is used: Degreasing / surface finishing of components Cleaning of dies & moulds Removal of paint, rust, scale, carbon & similar deposits Surface preparation prior to bonding, re-painting or re-coating Satin finishing of stainless steels & other special materials Cleaning of PCB's & electrical connectors Removal of small burrs from manufactured components If you are interested in this service feel free to contact us at +37253441447, Contact us through the web page or send an e-mail to info[no-Smpam) The wet blasting service fee is 55 Euros/h (excl. VAT) P. S. Details need to be pre-disassembled and clean (old oli etc), otherwise extra cost will b Vaatasin kirjutist organisatsioonile veebilehtede valmistamine kvaliteetselt mis oleks hallatav
Vaatasin kirjutist organisatsioonile veebilehtede valmistamine kvaliteetselt mis oleks hallatav. Tõsiseltvõetav lahendus mõjus veebilehe tegemine mis annab alati eelise, kommentaar suurema veebilehtede koostamine viimistletult reaalselt kasutatav soodne kodulehe tegemine viimistletult kui ka, ning kui on veebilehtede programmeerimine viimistletult maksimaalselt kestvate tulemustega. zero base cad

Vapor blasting


Urbans Garage OÜ now offers a Vapor blasting service. Also known as wet blasting, this surface cleaning application is becoming a number one choice for many who require a highest quality of surface finishes.



The advatage of Vapor blasting compared to dry blasting is that the surface is cleaned by flowing water and abrasive running accross the surface instead of the sheer force and impact of the conventional dry blasting techniques. Furthermore the water protects the surface from distortion and erosion which are normally found in dry blasting environments. This means the finished surface is of the highest quality and without defects that can occur in dry blasting.



Typically the Vapor blasting is used:

  1. Degreasing / surface finishing of components
  2. Cleaning of dies & moulds
  3. Removal of paint, rust, scale, carbon & similar deposits
  4. Surface preparation prior to bonding, re-painting or re-coating
  5. Satin finishing of stainless steels & other special materials
  6. Cleaning of PCB's & electrical connectors
  7. Removal of small burrs from manufactured components

If you are interested in this service feel free to contact us at +37253441447, Contact us through the web page or send an e-mail to .


The wet blasting service fee is 55 Euros/h (excl. VAT)


P.S. Details need to be pre-disassembled and clean (old oli etc), otherwise extra cost will be charged on an hourly basis for disassembling, preparing and cleaning with other materials and Torrent blasting.

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Urbans Garage Ltd
Kauba tee 10, Tõrvandi,
Kambja County
Tartumaa 61715, Estonia

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Tel: +372 53 4444 74

17. veebruarist 2014 13. veebruarini 2015
aitas Urbans Garage OÜ-l põhivara soetada ning turundustegevusi ellu viia Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja kasvutoetuse programm.
Vapor blasting Urbans Garage OÜ now offers a Vapor blasting service. Also known as wet blasting, this surface cleaning application is becoming a number one choice for many who require a highest quality of surface finishes. The advatage of Vapor blasting compared to dry blasting is that the surface is cleaned by flowing water and abrasive running accross the surface instead of the sheer force and impact of the conventional dry blasting techniques. Furthermore the water protects the surface from distortion and erosion which are normally found in dry blasting environments. This means the finished surface is of the highest quality and without defects that can occur in dry blasting. Typically the Vapor blasting is used: Degreasing / surface finishing of components Cleaning of dies & moulds Removal of paint, rust, scale, carbon & similar deposits Surface preparation prior to bonding, re-painting or re-coating Satin finishing of stainless steels & other special materials Cleaning of PCB's & electrical connectors Removal of small burrs from manufactured components If you are interested in this service feel free to contact us at +37253441447, Contact us through the web page or send an e-mail to info[no-Smpam) The wet blasting service fee is 55 Euros/h (excl. VAT) P. S. Details need to be pre-disassembled and clean (old oli etc), otherwise extra cost will be charged on an hourly basis for disassembling, preparing and cleaning with other materials and Torrent blasting.

Vapor blasting © 2022 Urbans Garage OÜ