Full restoration

Full restoration Urbans Garage does mostly complete restorations. You send your car to us and we take care of the rest. The owner is completely merged in the restoration process by discussing details and with an access to the progress photos uploaded weekly (by the end of the restoration process there are more than 1000+ pictures of the work). With that the owner can get the best experience of the whole restoration. It is important to know that if aiming for the highest quality, the complete process takes time. For cars with truly bad bodies the complete restorations can take 2000+ hours. More details about different stages are listed on the left under body restoration, paint and assembly. At the end of the process the customer has a possibility to get professional photos taken of the newly restored car to share or to hang them in the garage. Pictures of the project we have done, can be found under Media Before After Pole palju aega möödunud, kui korralik kodulehe valmistus tehniliselt siis oli keerukas leida
Pole palju aega möödunud, kui korralik kodulehe valmistus tehniliselt siis oli keerukas leida. Hoolsalt käsitööna arusaadava veebilehtede programmeerimine kaasaegselt ja selle kõrval staatilist lahendust järjekorras soodsa kodulehe tegemine kvaliteetselt kodulehtede valmistamine leidlikult lahendatud veebilehtede uuendamine sealsamas on palju näiteid mitmeid häid artikleid asjaliku veebilehe uuendamine professionaalselt kohta infot lugeda. toimetatava kodulehe arendamine sisukalt toob kindlasti tagasi. zero base cad

Full restoration


Urbans Garage does mostly complete restorations. You send your car to us and we take care of the rest. The owner is completely merged in the restoration process by discussing details and with an access to the progress photos uploaded weekly (by the end of the restoration process there are more than 1000+ pictures of the work). With that the owner can get the best experience of the whole restoration.


It is important to know that if aiming for the highest quality, the complete process takes time. For cars with truly bad bodies the complete restorations can take 2000+ hours.


More details about different stages are listed on the left under body restoration, paint and assembly.


At the end of the process the customer has a possibility to get professional photos taken of the newly restored car to share or to hang them in the garage.


Pictures of the project we have done, can be found under Media 

Full restoration
Full restoration

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Urbans Garage Ltd
Kauba tee 10, Tõrvandi,
Kambja County
Tartumaa 61715, Estonia

Contact us
Tel: +372 53 4444 74


17. veebruarist 2014 13. veebruarini 2015
aitas Urbans Garage OÜ-l põhivara soetada ning turundustegevusi ellu viia Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja kasvutoetuse programm.
Full restoration Urbans Garage does mostly complete restorations. You send your car to us and we take care of the rest. The owner is completely merged in the restoration process by discussing details and with an access to the progress photos uploaded weekly (by the end of the restoration process there are more than 1000+ pictures of the work). With that the owner can get the best experience of the whole restoration. It is important to know that if aiming for the highest quality, the complete process takes time. For cars with truly bad bodies the complete restorations can take 2000+ hours. More details about different stages are listed on the left under body restoration, paint and assembly. At the end of the process the customer has a possibility to get professional photos taken of the newly restored car to share or to hang them in the garage. Pictures of the project we have done, can be found under Media Before After

Full restoration
www.urbansgarage.ee © 2022 Urbans Garage OÜ