Urbans Garage at Techno Classica Essen Messe 2019

Techno Classica Essen Messe is an event that ables people to see classic and historic vehicles, companies active in motorsport, classic motorcycles, spare parts for those vehicles and most importantly the companies that are active in the restoration processes of those classic vehicles. This year the event took place from 10th of April until the 14th of April and Urbans Garage was there to show it's work. Techno Classica Essen Messe abled Urbans Garage to show the services and products to the potential customers who are active in the area of classic car restoration. The Messe is one of the largest events in the world that specializes on the classic vehicles and related products. Through that event companies are able to reach the potential customers whom they can offer different products and services. The purpose of participating in the event of Techno Classica Essen Messe for Urbans Garage was to introduce the company's name, operations and brand to the wider range of consumers. By participating in the event Urbans Garage believes to reach more international clients and new interesting projects. In addition to reach wider consumer base, the goal was also to strenghten the relations with the existing suppliers and find also new suppliers to keep the production cost down in the fast raising market prices. In addition the hope was to educate potential customers and people who own classic cars in areas to look and notice when dealing wit Õigel hetkel planeerides mõjus veebilehe loomine võib leida häid lahendusi
Õigel hetkel planeerides mõjus veebilehe loomine võib leida häid lahendusi. Teiste materjalide, peale veebilehe uuendamine kaasaegselt sest avaldamiseks sobib hästi juurde testitud kodulehtede loomine kiiresti algne tekst www.aara.ee teadmiste poolest veebilehtede arendamine tellimiseks kasutada vaid paari nädalaga paari lehega kodulehtede tegemine kiiresti maksimaalselt kestvate tulemustega. zero base cad

Urbans Garage at Techno Classica Essen Messe 2019


Techno Classica Essen Messe is an event that ables people to see classic and historic vehicles, companies active in motorsport, classic motorcycles, spare parts for those vehicles and most importantly the companies that are active in the restoration processes of those classic vehicles. This year the event took place from 10th of April until the 14th of April and Urbans Garage was there to show it's work.

Techno Classica Essen Messe abled Urbans Garage to show the services and products to the potential customers who are active in the area of classic car restoration. The Messe is one of the largest events in the world that specializes on the classic vehicles and related products. Through that event companies are able to reach the potential customers whom they can offer different products and services.

The purpose of participating in the event of Techno Classica Essen Messe for Urbans Garage was to introduce the company's name, operations and brand to the wider range of consumers. By participating in the event Urbans Garage believes to reach more international clients and new interesting projects. In addition to reach wider consumer base, the goal was also to strenghten the relations with the existing suppliers and find also new suppliers to keep the production cost down in the fast raising market prices. In addition the hope was to educate potential customers and people who own classic cars in areas to look and notice when dealing with purchasing or finding companies for services. Unfortunately the quality in the market place is not what it could or even should be. The possibility to show the work ables us to start improving the quality on an international level and through what the companies who offer the said quality will improve.

The results of the Techno Classica Essen Messe were very positive for Urbans Garage OÜ. We found several new customers although the hope was to find 1-2 more new customers. Also at the moment we are discussing 5 new potential projects with potential customers, so in the longer period we reach our goal for the customers we were hoping to find at Techni Classica Essen Messe. Also we found new suppliers for details which are harder to find and strenghtened relationships with suppliers with whom we already are working with.

The Project was funded in the amount of 13 612,40 EUR through European Regional Development Fund.

Urbans Garage at Techno Classica Essen Messe 2019

Urbans Garage Techno Classica Essen Messil 2019

Techno Classica Essen mess on Euroopas toimuv suurim mess, kuhu kogunevad nii rahvusvahelised autotootjad kui ka väiksemad tegijad näitamaks oma pakutavaid teenuseid ja tooteid. Antud mess on ka klassikaliste sõidukite valdkonna suurim mess Euroopas kui ka maailmas, kus on ennast võimalik esitleda just õigele sihtgrupile, sihtgrupile, kes on huvitatud klassikalistest sõidukitest. Urbans Garage OÜ, kes tegeleb klassikaliste sõidukikerede ehitamisega ja ka vajalike detailide tootmisega klassikalistele sõidukitele, on see mess just koht, kus on võimalik pakkuda seda teenust ja tooteid huvitatud osapooltele. Sellel aastal toimus mess 10-ndast 14-nda aprilline ja Urbans Garage OÜ oli seal, et esitleda oma tööd.

Urbans Garage OÜ peamine eesmärk messil osalemisega on tutvustada enda nime, tegevust ja brändi laiemale tarbijaskonnale. Usume, et messil osalemisega kaasame endaga rohkem rahvusvahelisi kliente. Eesmärgiks on leida vähemalt 5 klienti, kelle projektide kogumaksumus ületab 1 000 000 eurot. Lisaks klientide leidmisele on ettevõtte huvi tugevdada oma suhteid olemasolevate tarnijatega ja leida uusi tarnijaid, mille abil saaks leida kulude kokkuhoiu vähemalt 10% põhitegevuse eesmärgil ostetavate kaupade, teenuste ja materjalide kuludest. Viimaseks eesmärgiks on inimeste harimine antud valdkonnas. Paratamatult sarnase tegevusega ettevõtteid külastades jääb silma, et kvaliteet ei ole see, mis ta võiks ja isegi peaks olema. Messil osaledes on võimalik meil näidata tarbijale, mida peaks tema vaatama antud teenust ostes ja seeläbi muutub ka üleüldine kvaliteet rahvusvahelisel tasemel paremaks, mis tuleb kasuks tugevate ja kvaliteetsete ettevõtete tegevusele ja käibele.

Techno Classica Essen Messil osalemine tõi Urbans Garage OÜ-le positiivseid tulemusi. Leitsime mitmeid uusi kliente, kuid lootus oli leida 1-2 klienti rohkem. Sellest sõltumata käivad suhtlused 5 uue potentsiaalse projekti üle 5 potentsiaalse uue kliendiga seega pikemas perspektiivis saavutame oma uute klientide seatud eesmärgi. Lisaks uutele klientidele leidsime ka uusi varustajaid ning suutsime tugevdada suhteid ka juba olemasolevate varustajatega, tänu millele saame oma tootmiskulud allapoole viia.

Käesoleva projekti rahastamist toetas Euroopa Reginaalarengu Fond summaga 13 612,40 EUR.

Urbans Garage at Techno Classica Essen Messe 2019

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Urbans Garage Ltd
Kauba tee 10, Tõrvandi,
Kambja County
Tartumaa 61715, Estonia

Contact us
Tel: +372 53 4444 74


17. veebruarist 2014 13. veebruarini 2015
aitas Urbans Garage OÜ-l põhivara soetada ning turundustegevusi ellu viia Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja kasvutoetuse programm.
Techno Classica Essen Messe is an event that ables people to see classic and historic vehicles, companies active in motorsport, classic motorcycles, spare parts for those vehicles and most importantly the companies that are active in the restoration processes of those classic vehicles. This year the event took place from 10th of April until the 14th of April and Urbans Garage was there to show it's work. Techno Classica Essen Messe abled Urbans Garage to show the services and products to the potential customers who are active in the area of classic car restoration. The Messe is one of the largest events in the world that specializes on the classic vehicles and related products. Through that event companies are able to reach the potential customers whom they can offer different products and services. The purpose of participating in the event of Techno Classica Essen Messe for Urbans Garage was to introduce the company's name, operations and brand to the wider range of consumers. By participating in the event Urbans Garage believes to reach more international clients and new interesting projects. In addition to reach wider consumer base, the goal was also to strenghten the relations with the existing suppliers and find also new suppliers to keep the production cost down in the fast raising market prices. In addition the hope was to educate potential customers and people who own classic cars in areas to look and notice when dealing with purchasing or finding companies for services. Unfortunately the quality in the market place is not what it could or even should be. The possibility to show the work ables us to start improving the quality on an international level and through what the companies who offer the said quality will improve. The results of the Techno Classica Essen Messe were very positive for Urbans Garage OÜ. We found several new customers although the hope was to find 1-2 more new customers. Also at the moment we are discussing 5 new potential projects witheaks olema. Messil osaledes on võimalik meil näidata tarbijale, mida peaks tema vaatama antud teenust ostes ja seeläbi muutub ka üleüldine kvaliteet rahvusvahelisel tasemel paremaks, mis tuleb kasuks tugevate ja kvaliteetsete ettevõtete tegevusele ja käibele. Techno Classica Essen Messil osalemine tõi Urbans Garage OÜ-le positiivseid tulemusi. Leitsime mitmeid uusi kliente, kuid lootus oli leida 1-2 klienti rohkem. Sellest sõltumata käivad suhtlused 5 uue potentsiaalse projekti üle 5 potentsiaalse uue kliendiga seega pikemas perspektiivis saavutame oma uute klientide seatud eesmärgi. Lisaks uutele klientidele leidsime ka uusi varustajaid ning suutsime tugevdada suhteid ka juba olemasolevate varustajatega, tänu millele saame oma tootmiskulud allapoole viia. Käesoleva projekti rahastamist toetas Euroopa Reginaalarengu Fond summaga 13 612,40 EUR.

Urbans Garage at Techno Classica Essen Messe 2019

www.urbansgarage.ee © 2022 Urbans Garage OÜ